Sunday, February 28, 2010
MI test

The image you see above is the results I got for the Multiple Intelligence(MI) test. As you can see, the 2 aspects that I am best in are "Interpersonal (people smart)" and "Logical (number smart)". The description for the above 2 catagories are as follows:

Logical - Number Smart
You will be good at mathematics and other number activities; you are also good at solving problems.

Interpersonal - People Smart
You will like to mix with other people and you will belong to lots of clubs. You like team games and are good at sharing.

I feel that this test was quite interesting and useful. Through this test, I get to know myself better and find out what aspects I am better in, and what areas I can improve on. This knowledge will be useful to me when I am choosing jobs or courses to take on in the future.

This test is also very reliable in describing a person. The result showed that my weakest aspect is “musical smart”, and this is true because I am not very musically inclined, and I do not know how to play any instruments.

I can also see from the chart that I am not very linguistic and kinaesthetic (body smart). I feel that these are the areas that I can improve on and they will help me greatly in future.

Overall, I think that this test will aid a person greatly on making choices and everyone should take this test at least once in their life.
Blog Post based on test taken at

Kim Yao walked on the sunny side.
7:14 AM.